Consejos del sentido común para estar seguro en el agua y seguro del crimen y qué hacer en el peor caso.
This page is also available in English.
Información de contacto para Medicos, Policia y Veterinarios y Dentistas
En una emergencia llame 911 para todo: bomberos, policia y ambulancia. Si buscas información detallada de contacto para los proveedores de médica, veterinaria, policía y dentistas por favor ver la página de servicios, sección de urgencias.
Seguridad en el agua
Nuestras playas pueden ser precarias. Algunas son muy tranquilas y seguras – algunas tienen corrientes de resaca y olas grandes. Y a veces, eso cambia según la temporada, un día el mar puede estar tranquilo y bueno para nadar, pero el próximo día puede ser totalmente diferente, por eso no presuponga nunca!
Algunos consejos para estar seguro en el agua:
• Diríjase a la gente local o a su hotel acerca de las condiciones del mar antes de entrar al mar.
• Recuerde que las playas, excepto la playa en Cocles, no tienen socorristas.
• Vaya con un amigo!
• Si usted se encuentra en una corriente de resaca o una corriente que le lleva mar adentro, intente nadar de una manera paralela a la playa hasta que haya pasado la corriente y después nada hacía la playa. No entre en pánico y no se canse – si no puede nadar hacía la playa, mantengase tranquilo e intente atraer la atención de alguien en la playa.
Si ve a alguien en problemas en el agua, llame al 911 y después llame a la Guardia del Caribe al +506 8339 6566.

No sea víctima de un crimen
Se trata principalmente del sentido común, pero recuerde que está visitando una zona donde cualquier artículo de lujo (un iPod, un reloj bonito) puede ser comida (o, desgraciadamente, drogas) para una persona local que nunca podría comprarse eso.
Algunos consejos:
• No lleve valuables a la playa – por favor, no lleve nada, aunque sea algo que no le importa perder, si los ladrones se enteran que una playa tiene "presa fácil", van a volver.
• No camine sólo en la noche en carreteras sin luz o playas, pide un taxi en un negocio local.
• Siempre tenga sus efectos personales con usted. Un conocido colocó su bolsa de mano en el suelo por 10 segundos despues de bajar del bus para recoger su equipaje que estaba en el maletero del bus. Cuando se volvió, ya no estaba su bolsa (con su pasaporte, dinero, cámara, etc.).
• Siempre lleve una copia de su pasaporte – la ley de Costa Rica dice que siempre hay que tener un documento de identificación, pero si usted no conduce y no cruza ninguna frontera, una copia es en general suficiente. Deje su pasaporte original en la caja de su hotel.
Hay tres puestos de policía en la zona. La oficina principal en Playa Negra, un puesto de atención en Puerto Viejo y el puesto de la policía turística en Cahuita. Tome nota que la policía normal en Costa Rica está en cargo de mantener la paz y enforzar la ley, y no de recibir denuncias y resolver crímenes, para eso hay una división de investigación separada (por eso, lamentablemente, hay que hacer las denuncias formales en Bri Brí, donde se encuentra esta oficina). Sin embargo, dado que está abierta la oficina de la policía turística, debería ser posible que le ayudan con ese proceso en caso de problemas.
Habra un plan piloto que va a empecer en mayo 2016 donde
la policía turística podrá atender denuncias que corresponden al OIJ. Entonces para las victimas de crimen, sería
posible para evitar el viaje a Bri Bri.
Si usted es víctima de un crimen, llame al 911 y después ir a la policia touristica en Cahuita o el OIJ en BriBri para reportar el incidente.

Clínica de Hone Creek. Foto de Dr. Francisco Arguedas Pimentel
Salud: Accidentes y Seguro de Viaje
Accidentes pueden pasar en cualquier lugar, especialmente cuando usted no está acostumbrado a las condiciones locales de las carreteras y a la forma de conducir (que a veces es una locura!). Aunque la atención médica en Costa Rica es generalmente decente, recuerde que aquí en Puerto Viejo estamos lejos de un hospital grande.
Ahora hay una clínica médica y privada de servicio completo con servicio de urgencias de 24 horas, farmacia, medicina general y unos especialistas. También hay una clínica pública en Hone Creek, aprox. a 5 km de Puerto Viejo. La clínica pública tiene precios más bajos. Las farmacias en Costa Rica también pueden entregar muchos medicamentos sin prescripción médica, por eso también puede preguntar en la farmacia primero.
Debería verificar si su seguro o su tarjeta de crédito cubre un seguro médico de viaje (a veces, si paga su viaje con su tarjeta de crédito, tiene un seguro médico limitado).
Debería tomar en cuenta que la atención médica en Costa Rica es mucho más barata que en los EEUU y más barata que en Canada o en países europeos. Por eso, los gastos por un accidente menor o incluso una fractura probablemente no quebrarán el banco. Pero en caso de un accidente o una enfermedad más grave, los gastos seguramente se eleverán a miles de dólares o más, por ejemplo si hay que evacuarle a su país.
En Costa Rica hay dos sistemas médicos paralelos – el sistema público y el sistema privado. Ambos están disponibles para extranjeros en caso de una emergencia. La calidad de la atencíon médica en el sistema público es bastante aceptable, pero tal vez tendrá que esperar al acceso del servicio, por eso mucha gente elige el sistema privado aunque es mucho más caro. Los ticos tienen que registrarse en el sistema público por una reducción en el salario y a cambio reciben la atención médica gratis.
Si usted necesita una evacuación médica a su país, eso podría ser un gasto considerable.
Si participará en actividades deportivas durante su estancia en Costa Rica (surfear, rafting, etc.) asegúrese de que su póliza cubre estas actividades y si no, compre un seguro adicional.

Enfermedades Tropicales
La preocupación mayor es el dengue, que es una enfermedad transmitido por mosquitos y a veces estalla en esta zona. Lamentablemente, no hay vacuna. Su protección mejor es minimizar la cantidad de picaduras de los mosquitos usando repelente y/o durmiendo bajo un mosquitero.
En algunas páginas de viajes Costa Rica está listado con riesgo de malaria. Sin embargo, eso es principalmente un riesgo si está planeando hacer caminatas profundas en los bosques. Normalmente no es necesario tomar pastillas de malaria aquí, pero verifique eso con su médico.
Hola, ayer me asaltaron y robaron mi bolso de la bicicleta mientras iba de cocles a playa chiquita al aproximarse con un auto. Dentro de toooodo lo que robaron, hay 3 objetos que pueden llamar la atención, ya que no los he visto por aquí, por si los ven, de alguna manera puedan dar con los antisociales
Unfortunately, PV was in the news again this last week with a murdered Canadian from Toronto ( My husband and I traveled to CR from Toronto in November with our 2 children and we did not feel unsafe, although we did not travel to the east coast. We flew in/out of SJ, drove down to Dominical, up to Rincon de la Vieja and over to Playa Coco. It was a fabulous 3 weeks with thoughts of possibly purchasing a property. Be smart, and ladies, don't do anything or go anywhere you wouldn't in Canada or the US. I would agree it's 100% common sense. Don't take any chances!!
Can anyone update me on safety in Puerto Viejo. Traveling with my family and our 3 small kids and plan to stay for 2 months. Safety is extremely important to me, so I want to be reassured that this is a good destination for us. Thanks!
I just had my camera stolen from right next to me while I was sitting on a tree stump on Playa Cocles watching the ocean. Keep your things in sight or attached to you. It was either someone with some serious Ninja skills or 2 Americans with smooth moves. Two late 20s 'white guys walked past me. One on the beach in front of me and said I had a perfect spot,the other behind me was. laughing at him as he stumbled in a wave. So sad to lose my photos and be out a decent camera. Been to the area 2 other times with no problems.
Hey! I just met this really frendly person who was Nice enough to follow me home because i was not feeling safe and I was just about to ad him on Facebook but when i locked up the gate to where i live i manage to delete hos details and I really hope that you are lucky enough to have a v. Contreras as your straff nember (everything Else i deleted by mistake.
Doug from Puerto Viejo
Tourist Police
There is now a newly opened detachment of the Tourist Police with an office in Playa Cocles. They have a number of vehicles so will be patrolling the area as well so feel free to ask them for assistance or point out anything you think seems amiss.
Sabrina from Fresno, USA
I read through some of the comments asking about the safety of PV. My sister and her friend (both 23) are currently visiting there, left July 4th and will be returning home next week. Since they've been there it's been one thing after another, unfortunately I feel like a lot could have been prevented by common sense. They've both been sick from the water so drink bottled water or boil it before drinking. My sisters friend had Dengue Fever and was pretty miserable for 2 weeks. Take lots of bug spray! They've spent a considerable amount of time in the jungle though and my sister also worked at a wild life sanctuary so they've had a lot of exposure. The worst thing was my sister was mugged coming home alone from a bar (don't walk around alone at night!) and pretty violently beat up. Ended up with a lot of face & hand wounds and a concussion from being kicked in the head several times, she was lucky he didn't have a weapon. He ended up with the equivalent of $4.00/US that she had in her pocket. This was about 3 weeks ago. On the plus side after all that they really love it there! Haha They say the locals are great and they've made a lot of friends and my sisters friend is a photographer and shes been sending the most amazing photographs from her portfolio. Sounds like a beautiful place but just be safe, especially women on their own. Don't walk around alone and be aware of the people around you. Also if anyone knows the best clinic in that area I'd be really grateful. Sister is now really sick (unrelated to all that above), not sure with what, and needs to be seen tomorrow.
Jess from Virginia, USA
Puerto Viejo Safety
My husband and I are coming to Puerto Viejo for our honeymoon late August. Reading the crime and safety issues have not made us feel very comfortable. While researching coming here we had decided that if we didn't wear flashy jewelry or look like an easy target we would be safe. It also doesn't hurt that he's a big, burly, mean looking guy. It seems though that the robberies have become more violent. Should we be worried? Also he wants to bring a taser along should a robbery escalate to violence. Bad idea???? I think so, he does not. Any feedback is welcome.
margo wilkinson from Puerto Viejo ,
Safety in Puerto Viejo
Please PM about your concerns..we can chat! Puerto Viejo is great!
Bre from USA
Hi! I am visiting cocles soon and was wondering if there is a trusted taxi company for puerto viejo that would take us to our house in cocles? Also how is the water supply in cocles? Thanks!
Caroline from USA
Hi I am traveling to Puerto Viejo with my friend next September. Is Puerto Viejo a safe place for two women traveling? I have read the comments about robbery but want to make sure this place is O.K. for two women travelers. Is it safe to walk at night in the town? Where do we not want to go? We will be staying right in the town. Thank You.
cindy from USA
traveling iwith daughter
I am going to be in Cahuita area volunteering for the Sloth Sanctuary with my daughter. Some posts I have read (couple robbed by machete) have scared me as going alone and putting myself in danger is one thing, but bringing my daughter is another. It gets dark by 6pm and we volunteer until 3. Any suggestions as what to do or go a few afternoons?
After dark you want to stay off unlighted roads and travel by taxi. And if someone asks you for money, give it up, don't risk your life over it. Lot's of good tips above on the Health and Safety page.
Barbara from USA
I will be visiting PV and wondered how the drinking water is there. Traveling to parts of Mexico I have always ended up deathly ill from the water. I will have a steri pen this trip but wondered if there is a good chance I would have the same problems there and what I can do to avoid it. Thanks.
Well it is nothing like Mexico. Costa Rica has always put a high level of priority on public health and generally water from the public systems is safe to drink. I would never hesitate to drink tap water it in San Jose and other large centers. In Puerto Viejo it is a little trickier as some areas are on municipal water and some are on well water and the municipal water as well has been running quite low in some areas south of town as well so if there are to be any problems that would be when it would occur. That said, it will never be like Mexico. You won't get sick from a salad or something washed in the water. I find that as a visitor it is a reasonable precaution to drink bottled water but I have never had any issues brushing my teeth or cooking with the tap water.
jason from Texas
Lock Boxes at Banks
We are visiting in February and the house we have rented does not have a safe. Does the lovas BCR Bank branch have lock boxes we could rent while we are there?
You wouldn't want to deal with the bank even if they offered this service...the paperwork could take weeks! But check out the Puerto Viejo Multicentro downtown; they offer this service.
I read here that Malaria pills are not needed unless planning "hikes deep into the forest." We are planning an overnight trip to Punta Mona which is a four hour hike. Would Malaria pills be advised? Thank you!
No, you'll be fine. Punta Mona is not that remote. The warning applies only to much more remote locations.
Richard from Puerto Viejo
Anyone coming here for Dental work, should check out a fairly new, North American Standard and equipment, location is in Puerto Limon, 45 km from PV Dentists in PV and Cahuita, Limited what work they can perform Send me a request, and send you here
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