Panamá withdraws plan to quarantine visitors from Costa Rica

Panamá appears to have withdrawn their plan to quarantine visitors from Costa Rica who were not fully vaccinated. Sources crossing at the border at Sixaola daily say there has been no change in the regimen at the border. Visitors who are not fully vaccinated will be required to present a negative Covid test (PCR or antigen) taken in the 72 hours prior. Fully vaccinated visitors do NOT need a test.
Parece que Panamá ha retirado su plan de poner en cuarentena a los visitantes de Costa Rica que no son totalmente vacunados. Fuentes que cruzan diariamente la frontera a Sixaola afirman que no ha habido ningún cambio en el régimen en la frontera. A los visitantes que no estén totalmente vacunados se les exigirá que presenten una prueba Covid negativa (PCR o antígeno) tomada en las 72 horas anteriores. Los visitantes totalmente vacunados NO necesitan una prueba.
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