Latest Updates for Visiting Costa Rica

As Costa Rica opened for incoming tourist arrivals on August 2, a number of details have started to become clear on what are the requirements if you'd like to visit. Approved countries, test and insurance requirements. This article is for tourists, not returning residents or citizens, who have always been allowed back have different requirements. 1. Tourists must arrive on a flight from an approved country. This list currently includes the European Union and the Schengen Zone, the UK and Canada. It does NOT include the United States. The first arriving flights are from Spain and Germany, Canadian flights have not restarted yet. Flights from the US from American and United continue to operate but are for returning residents and to repatriate Americans still in the country, tourists may not arrive on these flights. 2. Tourists must have documents proving a negative Coronavirus test within 48 hours of departure and complete a health questionnaire prior to boarding 3. Tourists must have valid insurance covering Coronavirus with specific benefits covered. There is coverage from the National Insurance Institute (INS) which qualifies. Other policies may qualify but the traveler would need to prove they meet the requirements. 4. Restrictions remain in place on activities and what you can do while here depending on what alert level the zone you are visiting is in. Check with your travel agent and/or hotel for restrictions applicable.

10 ago 2020 Ver mas información a Visit Costa Rica

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