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5 Arrested in Gandoca Manzanillo Refuge for Illegal Logging

Reports of logging have been frequent recently in the Puerto Viejo area including in what is supposed to the protected Gandoca Manzanillo Wildlife Refuge. Now it has been reported that five people have been arrested in connection with an illegal logging investigation.

18 jul 2024 Ver publicación a Tico Times

Wolaba Parade Cancelled for 2024

Sadly there will be no Wolaba Parade this year. Unfortunately the organizers were not able to raise enough funds and support to hold the event. Hopefully next year this wonderful cultural event will return.

Desafortunadamente el Wolaba Parada ha sido cancelado por este año. El evento cultural más importante del Caribe Sur no pudo recaudar los fondos necesarios para la realización del evento. Espero que se volverá en 2025.

10 jul 2024 Ver a Instagram

Serenity now: 5 days in Caribe Sur

If you're looking for ideas for a break in Puerto Viejo, Lonely Planet has published "Serenity now: 5 days in Caribe Sur" which is a nice quick summary.

Si buscas ideas para un viaje corto a Puerto Viejo, Lonely Planet ha publicado "Serenity now: 5 days in Caribe Sur", que es un buen resumen rápido.

27 jun 2024 Ver publicación a Lonely Planet

Accessibility ramp installed at Manzanillo Beach

El 11 de enero de 2024 se inauguró oficialmente la primera rampa de accesibilidad en la Playa de Manzanillo, siendo la primera fuera de Parque Nacional en el Caribe Sur.

Gracias a @tiendamonge, @red_turismo_accesible_cr, Donatapa por hacer posible un sueño de muchos visitantes para disfrutar del destino de forma inclusiva.

A partir de ahora, la Comunidad de Manzanillo a través de la ADI de Manzanillo y con el apoyo de @munitalamanca y de @catccas velaran para su buen funcionamiento y uso responsable.

On January 11, 2024, the first accessibility ramp on Manzanillo Beach was officially inaugurated, being the second in the area, after the one installed at Cahuita National Park

Thanks to @tiendamonge, @red_turismo_accesible_cr, Donatapa for making possible a dream of many visitors to enjoy the destination in an inclusive way.

From now on, the Community of Manzanillo through the ADI of Manzanillo and with the support of @munitalamanca and @catccas will ensure its proper functioning and responsible use.

19 ene 2024 Ver los detalles a CATCCAS instagram

Queer Eye's Antoni Porowski spotted in Puerto Viejo

There's nothing better than a Puerto Viejo beach to show off one's abs!

18 ene 2024 Ver la publicación de instagram de Antoni

Puerto Viejo will be Ideal Location for October 14 Eclipse

A solar eclipse will happen on October 14 and Puerto Viejo will be one of the best locations in the world to see it. While the eclipse will be viewable in much of the Western Hemisphere, the Atlantic coasts of Costa Rica and Nicaragua will have the best views. The effect will be seen between about 10 am and 2 pm on October 14. Remember to wear eye protection and not look at it directly!

El 14 de octubre se producirá un eclipse solar y Puerto Viejo será uno de los mejores lugares del mundo para verlo. Aunque se puede ver el eclipse podrá en gran parte del hemisferio occidental, las costas atlánticas de Costa Rica y Nicaragua tendrán las mejores vistas. El efecto se verá entre las 10 de la mañana y las 2 de la tarde del 14 de octubre. Recuerde llevar protección ocular y no mirarlo directamente.

17 ago 2023 Ver publicación a La Nación (inscripción obligatoria)

Wolaba Parade Coming Up Soon

The annual Wolaba Parade celebrating Costa Rica's Afro-Caribbean is coming up on Aug 26. Don't miss it!

Wolaba Parade, La celebración de la comunidad Afro-Caribe en Costa Rica se celebrará el 26 de agosto.

13 ago 2023 Ver más en Instagram

Sansa announces flights between San José and Bocas del Toro

Great news, after many years without a consistent operator on this route there will now be a reliable way to fly from Bocas to San José so there's another way to plan a trip that takes in both Puerto Viejo/the Caribe Sur and Bocas del Toro in Panamá. The 50 minute flights begin on November 16 with an initial schedule of 2 round trips per week on Tuesday and Sunday.

Buenas noticias! Ahora habrá una forma fiable de volar de Bocas a San José, así que hay otra forma de planificar un viaje que incluya Puerto Viejo/Caribe Sur y Bocas del Toro en Panamá. Los vuelos de 50 minutos comenzarán el 16 de noviembre con una horario inicial de dos vuelos de ida y vuelta semanales los martes y domingos.

8 jul 2023 Ver todas las opciones de transporte

Calypso Festival This Weekend in Cahuita

Cahuita will play host to festivities this weekend May 26-28 for the Día Nacional del Calypso. Check out live music from 2 pm on at Playa Negra on Friday and Parquecito on Saturday and Sunday.

Este fin de semana el 26 a 28 de mayo vení a celebrar el Calypso en Cahuita. Habrá música a partir de 2 pm a Playa Negro el viernes y Parquecito el sábado y domingo.

23 may 2023 Ver más información

Red crab season is soon upon us, please don't crush us!

Please drive slowly and check for the crab locations before you go.

19 abr 2023

Travelling between Tortuguero and Puerto Viejo?

We've completely revised and updated our Tortuguero page with more detailed information and we hope you find it useful!

¿Viajando entre Tortuguero y Puerto Viejo? Hemos revisado y actualizado completamente nuestra página de Tortuguero con información más detallada, ¡esperamos que le resulte útil!

19 abr 2023 Vea la página de Transporte de Puerto Viejo a Tortuguero

Quick jaunt to Puerto Viejo in this fun video

From on Instagram

19 abr 2023 Vea video en Instagram

When you go too fast, you may end up here

The road between Puerto Viejo and Manzanillo has been improved a lot in the last few years. It makes for a smoother ride but some drivers seem to think they can drive way too fast for this road which is shared with many pedestrians and cyclists.

One car yesterday ended up off the bridge in the Rio Negro at Cocles. Thankfully no one was hurt. If you're driving this road please take your time!

1 abr 2023

This fundraiser is a drag

Rise Foundation is having a fundraiser on April 6 that you won't want to miss! Drag Queen artist titi_queen and a slew of other acts including singers, DJs, an awesome MC and a local talent competition with celebrity judges and some fantastic prizes. And they will be launching their new swag! They will also be raffling off some items and hope you can all make it for an epic night of fun that will all happen at Stashu's Con Fusion

Rise Foundation works on the Caribbean Coast of Costa Rica with a particular focus on bringing veterinary services and spay/neuter clinics to Tortuguero where none exist.

15 mar 2023 Aprenda más sobre la Fundación Rise

Shells Need To Remain on the Beach

Unless you're a hermit crab, admire the shells, take a photo and leave them there.

Shells are an integral part of the ecosystem and regeneration of beaches. By taking them home you are doing damage. It is also illegal to remove shells from a beach in Costa Rica.

27 feb 2023 Ver publicación a Tico Times

Costa Rica Calypso Legend Walter Ferguson Dies, 103

Costa Rica Calypso Legend Walter Ferguson died on Saturday at the age of 103. He will be remembered as the "King of Calypso" in Cahuita where he lived and throughout Costa Rica.

He was also the most well known example of what many consider to be a "blue zone" of extraordinarily long lived people on Costa Rica's Caribbean.

He is gone now but his music will live on forever.

27 feb 2023 Ver publicación a Tico Times

School Supplies Drive is a Big Success

The school year begins in January in Costa Rica and with it the need for families to come up with the required school supplies and uniforms for the year. Local organization El Puente-The Bridge along with ATEC was able to help out 190 students this year with backpacks with all the required supplies, ensuring that these needy local children get their education! They were also able to help some with uniforms.

7 feb 2023 Ver más a Instagram

Sloth yoga anyone?

Do you want to hang out or do a little yoga? Photo Reyes Guzmán #PuertoViejoDecisions

17 ene 2023

Los Gatitos de Marlies big move

Moving house is tough right? What about when you have 57 cats?! Marlies saw a need and couldn't say no and so started a cat rescue and this weekend she is moving.

She recognized an immense need to help the cats of the area. She has fostered many street cats, gotten them spayed/neutered, gotten them veterinary care and provided all the care needed until they can find a forever home. Local families also come to her when they can't afford care for their cats.

I've made a donation. If you can also help cover vet bills, food and other expenses, please donate (or if you're in Costa Rica you can deposit to her trust account at the vet to help cover those bills).

16 dic 2022 Ver más en facebook

Healthy coral growth in the reef in Manzanillo

Great news from Shawn Larkin / Costa Cetacea on the health of the reefs near Manzanillo and good advice on how to keep them healthy:

The coral reefs of the South Caribbean coast of Costa Rica have come back strong. There are many hectares of live coral right off Manzanillo, more than you could see in years of diving. Lettuce Coral is one kind that has expanded big time in the last ten years. There are large areas with close to 100% live growth like here in this recent photo. Remember do not touch or stand on the reef, and take your trash away from the beach, to help our coral reefs come back.

Buenas noticias desde Shawn Larkin / Costa Cetacea sobre la salud de los arrecifes cerca a Manzanillo y buenos consejos para mantenerlos sanos.

14 oct 2022 Ver más a Instagram

Sloth Dog Encounter in Guardian Wildlife Photography of Year

The Guardian newspaper has included a photo from Puerto Viejo in their Wildlife Photography of the Year list. It shows the encounter between a dog and a sloth and reminds us of the need to keep animals leashed or under control. Luckily the dog had taken part in a training program on sloth safety and so simply sniffed at it.

2 sep 2022 Ver publicación a The Guardian

Veronica's Place Devastated by Fire

Veronica Gordon and her family are one of the founding families of Puerto Viejo and have been known for their activism, the vegetarian cooking classes and their cabinas. Sadly the cabinas were devastated by a fire on July 11, 2022 and are looking for support to rebuild.

Verónica Gordon y su familia son una de las familias fundadoras de Puerto Viejo y han sido conocidos por su activismo, las clases de cocina vegetariana y sus cabinas. Lamentablemente las cabinas fueron devastadas por un incendio el 11 de julio de 2022 y están buscando apoyo para reconstruirlas.

7 ago 2022 Leer más y ayuda a gofundme

Building bridges for sloths and other wildlife

The publication Monga Bay has written an informative article about some local residents helping to build bridges between fragmented tree cover to protect sloths and other animals. This is a critical temporary measure while waiting for newly planted trees to grow as many animals are injured when they have to go down to the ground rather than stay in the tree cover.

6 mar 2022 Ver publicación a Monga Bay

Puerto Viejo, Costa Rica : A fight to preserve culture

The Tico Times offers a thought provoking piece on the history and culture of the Caribbean Coast and how development plans may play into that.

3 feb 2022 Ver publicación a Tico Times

More Covid testing options are now available in Puerto Viejo

Getting Covid tests for travel in Puerto Viejo is now easier. There are now two labs offering the tests and both offer both the antigen and PCR tests.

Laboratorio Bioclinic and Clínica de Especialidades Médicas San Gabriel both offer antigen tests for about $75 and PCR tests for about $140. Contact them for additional details and make sure you research the type of test and timeframe needed for your destination.

At this time, non-vaccinated travelers going to Panama will be required to present a negative COVID-19 PCR or antigen test taken no more than 72 hours prior to their arrival time in Panama. Additional requirements apply to those who have been in high risk countries in the last 15 days.

15 dic 2021

Daily Beast profiles Puerto Viejo in article on sustainable tourism

The Daily Beast has profiled the local ATEC organization and area history in an article on Puerto Viejo and sustainable tourism. It's an interesting read which I'm sure will get people talking locally.

7 dic 2021 Ver publicación a The Daily Beast

Costa Rica delays vaccine mandate until Jan 8

Costa Rica has delayed the vaccine mandate from Dec 1 until Jan 8. Though businesses may choose to implement it Dec 1 in order to get rid of capacity restrictions. Those that wait until Jan 8 will be subject to 50% capacity restrictions.

The requirements will apply both to tourists and residents though the paperwork required to prove vaccination will be different.

Vaccination will be required to access non-essential services such as hotels, restaurants, bars, casinos, shops, museums, art and dance academies, gyms, spas and adventure tourism. There has been no plan announced to make vaccination a requirement of entry (currently unvaccinated people have to buy approved travel insurance which vaccinated travelers do not).

Correction: an earlier version of this article stated that unvaccinated people have to be tested prior to entry to Costa Rica which vaccinated people do not. That is not correct, a test is not required to enter Costa Rica. However unvaccinated people need to buy approved travel insurance whereas this requirement does not apply to fully vaccinated travelers.

23 oct 2021 Ver publicación a Tico Times

Costa Rica to require vaccination for non-essential activities

Tourists planning a trip to Costa Rica should know that as of December 1, proof of vaccination will be required for many activities including restaurants and hotels.

Vaccinated tourists already have an easier time entering Costa Rica (a negative test is not required) but after this change it really won't be feasible to come to Costa Rica as a tourist without being vaccinated. The timeframe of the announcement gives people ample time to get their vaccinations.

16 oct 2021 Ver publicación a Tico Times

Panamá withdraws plan to quarantine visitors from Costa Rica

Panamá appears to have withdrawn their plan to quarantine visitors from Costa Rica who were not fully vaccinated. Sources crossing at the border at Sixaola daily say there has been no change in the regimen at the border. Visitors who are not fully vaccinated will be required to present a negative Covid test (PCR or antigen) taken in the 72 hours prior. Fully vaccinated visitors do NOT need a test.

Parece que Panamá ha retirado su plan de poner en cuarentena a los visitantes de Costa Rica que no son totalmente vacunados. Fuentes que cruzan diariamente la frontera a Sixaola afirman que no ha habido ningún cambio en el régimen en la frontera. A los visitantes que no estén totalmente vacunados se les exigirá que presenten una prueba Covid negativa (PCR o antígeno) tomada en las 72 horas anteriores. Los visitantes totalmente vacunados NO necesitan una prueba.

6 sep 2021

Panama now requires non-vaccinated travelers to quarantine

UPDATE: Panamá withdraws plan to quarantine visitors from Costa Rica

Panama now requires travelers who are not fully vaccinated and are traveling from high risk countries, including Costa Rica, to quarantine for 72 hours. This will be at the traveler's expense at an approved hotel. As before, all travelers must also provide a PCR or antigen test taken in the 72 hours before arriving. Travelers from Puerto Viejo to Bocas del Toro will need to keep this new requirement in mind.

INFORME: Panamá ha retirado su plan de poner en cuarentena a los visitantes de Costa Rica que no son totalmente vacunados

Panamá exige ahora que los viajeros que no estén totalmente vacunados y que viajen desde países de alto riesgo, incluido Costa Rica, estén en cuarentena durante 72 horas. Esto correrá a cargo del viajero en un hotel autorizado. Al igual que antes, todos los viajeros deben presentar una prueba de PCR o de antígeno realizada en las 72 horas anteriores a su llegada. Los viajeros de Puerto Viejo a Bocas del Toro deberán tener en cuenta este nuevo requisito.

5 sep 2021 Ver publicación a Tico Times

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