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Puerto Viejo Satellite is currently supporting the following community initiatives and helping out by processing credit card donations for these initiatives.
Please read the project descriptions below and then choose a project (or two) to help out with your donation!

Orphaned, stray and injured cats need homes, food and medical treatment
Help Los Gatitos de Marlies with care for stray, orphaned, abused and needy cats
Marlies lives in Puerto Viejo and recognized an immense need to help the cats of the area. She has fostered many street cats and gotten them spayed/neutered, gotten them medical care and provided all the care needed until they can find a forever home. Local families also come to her when they can't afford care for their cats.
If you can help cover vet bills, food and other expenses, please donate here (or if you're in Costa Rica via local banking).
Facebook page: gatitosdemarlies

Stray dogs need homes and medical treatment
Help the Puerto Viejo Dogs group with care for stray, abused and needy animals
The Puerto Viejo Dogs / Perros De Puerto Viejo group is a group of residents in the Puerto Viejo are who do amazing work in rescuing animals, providing medical care (including getting animals to sterilization clinics) and finding new homes. Whether they are stray, abused or with a needy family that can't afford care. If you can help them cover vet bills, food and other expenses, please donate here (or if you're in Costa Rica via BN).
Facebook group: pvdogs9

The schoolkids will appreciate your support!
Annual Donation Drive for School Kids
There are 100's of kids in Talamanca that need help to purchase their school supplies. School starts in February, but we do the drive now so you can have the opportunity to purchase the gift of education for a local student and then present to the conscientious person you want to honor with that gift.
Levels of donating:
• You can donate the actual materials that kids need by dropping them off at ATEC. Contact for the official list of supplies needed.
• US$1+ buys some pens or a notebook.
• $35 buys all of the school supplies for one kid for one year!
• $66 buys all of the school supplies for one kid for one year AND their school uniform AND SHOES!
• Or with $100 you can adopt 1.5 kids or choose any amount to adopt a whole bunch of kids!
If you're in Puerto Viejo drop off your donations of supplies or cash at the ATEC office. Of if you can't make it there, you can make a credit card donation below and Puerto Viejo Satellite will make sure it gets to the kids.

The lifeguard station at Cocles Beach.
Support Caribbean Guard with their lifeguard programs
Caribbean Guard is a non-profit organization that provides lifeguard services, first aid, and water safety education. It is the successor to the Cocles Beach lifeguard program and now has programs and provides some lifeguards at other beaches in the area as well. The program is funded by donations from local businesses, residents and visitors.
Instagram: caribbeanguard
Facebook: Caribbean Guard

Support "El Puente / The Bridge"
Offers educational assistance, food, and microloans mainly to indigenous people in Costa Rica. The School Program assists families with educational expenses for young children. The Food Program provides a gathering place, healthy meals, and additional support on Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday. The Microloan Program provides small loans from $20--$400, with approaches that have been helping people out of poverty globally since 1987. Used together, these programs provide powerful support for families working together toward self-sufficiency.
The Bridge is run by El Puente del Caribe, S. A., a Costa Rican corporation in Puerto Viejo de Talamanca, and is a qualified non-profit under US rules.
If you'd like to donate in person, consider bringing things such as school supplies and use it as an opportunity to visit the bridge on your visit. Or make a donation by credit card on their website or below.

The Widecast organization operates turtle preservation and protection programs at several beaches in the area.
Support Turtle Preservation Programs
Leatherback, Hawksbill and Green turtles nest in the Gandoca Refuge and Cahuita National Park. Loggerhead turtles are also found in Cahuita. The turtles come to nest at night, digging a nest on the beach to lay their eggs. Both the mothers and the eggs are vulnerable to poachers and preservation programs are critical to guard nesting areas as well as to protect habitat.
You can help out these programs by volunteering, by donating to cover expenses or, if you're visiting in season, by taking a tour of the turtle nesting areas by one of the guides associated with a rescue organization.
Donate here
Other ways to help out
There are lots of needs in the community. From helping out isolated indigenous Bribri communities to working on environmental projects.
Other than cash, many of the local organizations need donations of goods such as school supplies.
Many local organizations are also accepting volunteers. There's more info on the Volunteer Page.