Panama requires negative PCR covid test to enter

With the reopening of the land border for tourism from Panama to Costa Rica there has been some confusion about the entry requirements. While Costa Rica does not require a negative Covid test to enter, Panama does. The test must be done within 48 hours of your entry to Panama. So for travelers who want to go onto Bocas del Toro from Puerto Viejo they'll likely need to get their test in Puerto Viejo. Laboratorio Bioclinic offers those tests in Puerto Viejo. The test must be booked in advance. Shuttle companies are not yet operating this route as Panama has not clarified all the rules on whether tourists are even permitted though there have been reported of some tourists successfully making the crossing independently.

Para viajar desde Costa Rica a Panamá, incluso en las fronteras terrestres, se requiere una prueba de PCR negativa en las 48 horas anteriores. Para viajeros que quiere viajar de Puerto Viejo a Bocas del Toro, se puede hacer la prueba en Laboratorio Bioclinic en Puerto Viejo. Tiene que reservar una cita para su prueba en adelante. Los shuttles ya no están operando porque el gobierno de Panamá no está claro si la frontera terrestre está abierto por turismo o no. Pero hemos escuchado de unos viajeros independientes que han hecho el viaje.

May 3 2021

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