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Listings are sorted by the area of town they are in. Scroll down or click the link for options in Puerto Viejo, Playa Negra (Puerto Viejo), Cocles, Playa Chiquita, Punta Uva, Manzanillo, Cahuita, Gandoca, Hone Creek, Bribri and Sixaola

Playa Negra (Puerto Viejo)

Villas Puerto Viejo We have been unable to recently verify this listing

Two and three bedroom vacation rental homes. Kitchen, balcony, parking, garden, A/C. Villa Seabreeze has three bedrooms for up to 6 persons. Villa 2 has two bedrooms for up to 3 persons.
 +506 8464-6347
 Average room rate: $150
 Average rating: 100 Exceptional
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La Perla del Caribe We have been unable to recently verify this listing

Vacation homes in the jungle 100 m to Cocles beach. Two bedroom suites and villas with kitchens.
 +506 2750 0951
 Average room rate: $139
 Average rating: 97 Exceptional
 View on map

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